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We will not be taking orders for knotted prayer ropes until August 1st, 2024.

We are knotting prayer ropes for orders placed in April, and customers are waiting 8-12 weeks to receive their prayer ropes. Until we can fill orders within a reasonable period, knotted prayer ropes made by the sisters will not be available to order on our online store until August 1st.

Knotted prayer ropes from Mount Athos and Russia will still be available to order.



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 An akathist (Greek, Akathistos) is a hymn of prayer dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." The akathist par excellence is that written in the 6th century to the Theotokos. In its use as part of the Salutations to the Theotokos service (used in the Byzantine tradition during Great Lent), it is often known by its Greek or Arabic names, Chairetismoi and Madayeh, respectively.

 In the year 2001 our Monastery published an Akathist to the Mother of God, entitled "Nurturer of Children," as an aid to encourage parents to actively pray for their children. Over thirty thousand copies of that akathist have since been sold or given away, and we continue to receive comments from grateful mothers who treasure their well-worn copies. A stream of other akathists continues to flow from the series. The akathists chosen are ones that often provide a place to insert personal names, and they address pastoral concerns which so many are facing today: help in raising children, healing from cancer, healing from alcoholism and drug addiction, encouragement for bereaved spouses and prayers for their dear ones who have fallen asleep in the Lord. We hope you also find them useful.