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The Orthodox Faith, Worship and Life


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Catechism by Hieromonk Gregorios.

From the Foreword:

"Nowadays, many people in all parts of the world are discovering the Orthodox Church as the only source of life and truth able to satisfy man's spiritual thirst and hunger. And because they feel that only in the Orthodox Church they can find the truth and the life which are offered as a divine gift by Christ, they wish to acquire a better knowledge of this true faith and to experience and participate in the life in Christ and in the Church's worship. Christ said, I am the way, and the truth and the life: He is the truth in which Christians believe, the way which leads to life, and the true life itself.

"In the pages of this book, you will find a humble attempt to come, with the help of the Holy Fathers, to a closer understanding of the faith of the Church and to learn about the worshiping life celebrated in it, so that we can live the life in Christ more deeply. It also endeavors to transmit the Gospel of salvation (Eph. 1:13) proclaimed by the holy Apostles and our God-bearing Fathers. Our hope is that this outline may be of help to those who are diligently seeking the truth so as to enter our Holy Church and become members of the holy Body of Christ."



A. The Faith of the Church:

       1) Introductory remarks

       2) The Triune God

       3) The creation of the intelligible and sensible world

       4) Divine economy

       5) The Most Holy Theotokos

       6) The Holy Church

       7) The Kingdom of God

B. The Worshiping Church:

      1) Worship and liturgical feasts

      2) The place of worship

       3) Holy icons and sacred relics

       4) The sacred liturgical vessels

       5) Sacred vestments and liturgical books

       6) The Divine Liturgy

       7) The Holy Mysteries

C. The Life in Christ:

       1) Introductory remarks

       2) The era of the Old Testament

       3) The era of Grace

       4) Prayer

       5) Asceticism and Monasticism

       6) The triad of virtues

       7) The deification of Man

Epilogue: From the Confession of the Faith by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain


253 pages, sewn soft cover.



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