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We will not be taking orders for knotted prayer ropes until August 1st, 2024.

We are knotting prayer ropes for orders placed in April, and customers are waiting 8-12 weeks to receive their prayer ropes. Until we can fill orders within a reasonable period, knotted prayer ropes made by the sisters will not be available to order on our online store until August 1st.

Knotted prayer ropes from Mount Athos and Russia will still be available to order.



You Are An Orthodox Christian

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Product Description

This book helps Orthodox Christian children to explore the joy and wonder of their incredible spiritual family and historical heritage. It introduces children to many members of their spiritual fathers and mothers in the faith. Suitable for ages 4 (with parent's help) and up. Hardcover.

Includes an extensive Glossary about the Saints illustrated in the book:

Saint Hermione the Martyr and Unmercenary (September 4), Saint Andrew the General (August 19), Saint Makrina the Younger (July 19), Saint Lazaros the Painter (November 17), Saint Efrosynos the Cook (September 11), Saint Nino, Equal of the Apostles, Enlightener of Georgia (January 14), Saint Brendan the Voyager (May 16), Saint Juliana of Lazarevo (January 2), Saint Luke the Blessed Surgeon (June 11), Saint Symeon the Myrrhgusher, Founder of Hilandar Monastery, known in the world as Stefan Nemanja, Prince of Serbia (February 13), Saint Tamar of Georgia (May 1), Saint Kassiani the Hymnographer (September 7), Saint Ephrem the Syrian (January 28), Blessed Olga of Alaska (November 8), Saint Marina the Great Martyr (July 17), Saint Fevronia the Wonderworker of Murom (June 25), Saint Moses the Ethiopian (August 28), Saint Mitrophan the Hieromartyr of Beijing (June 11), Saint Evlalia of Barcelona (August 22), and Saint Thomas the Apostle (October 6)