When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. Our actual UPS rates are often lower than the estimates the webstore gives, so if you would like us to ship by the least expensive option (whether it is UPS or USPS) please indicate this in the comments section at checkout.
Most of our prayer ropes are hand-made by the Sisters. Beaded prayer ropes are usually in stock and can ship immediately. Unless a knotted prayer rope is in stock it will take 6-8 weeks to ship the prayer rope, please see home page for updated prayer rope wait time. If you need a prayer rope by a certain date, please indicate that in the Comments box while checking out. If we are not able to meet your deadline, we will contact you. You can also inquire by email about the knotted prayer ropes currently in stock.
You can expect an e-mail with a tracking number when your order ships.
Transit times for international packages can vary from two weeks to two months, depending on the destination.
Please double-check your address entry. We have no way to verify an international address.
International packages are not trackable once they leave the United States. It is then in the care of the postal service for the destination country. Only registered mail provides international tracking. The fees for this service vary by country, but begin around $12. If you are interested in shipping your package via registered mail, please contact us.
Some countries have import restrictions and will not allow certain items, such as silver, to be shipped into the country. If we are aware of any restrictions for your chosen destination that will affect your order, we will contact you.
St. Paisius Monastery offers item replacements, or refunds on returned merchandise. Every item we sell is carefully inspected before it is shipped. If you are not satisfied with the products and inform us within seven days of receiving your order, we will arrange to give you a refund. Credits are issued on all returns that comply with the terms listed below:
- Damaged Returns. This includes any books received from St. Paisius Monastery Press which arrive scuffed, torn, or damaged from shipping. These items must be returned within 15 days.
- Defective Returns: This includes any books received which are discovered to have missing, out-of-sequence, or blurred pages.
- Wrong Item(s) Sent: We will refund return shipping costs if the mistake is due to our error.
Return Shipment Instructions:
- Log in to your account and go to the Completed Orders page. Follow the instructions to Return an Item.
- Please wrap your return items carefully using ample packaging materials.
- Return items that are damaged from inadequate packaging will incur a fee.
- If your order was shipped by UPS and the package arrives damaged, please keep the packaging and contact us immediately so that a claim can be initiated.
- We are unable to give refunds for used prayer ropes or stretched prayer ropes.
- We do not accept returns or exchanges on custom prayer rope orders.
- We offer free life-time re-stringing of beaded, stretch prayer bracelets.