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Selections from the All-Night Vigil - Digital Files (not a CD)


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Please note that this is not a CD, but a set ofdownloadable mp3 files from the original CD recorded in 2002 by the Sisters of St. Paisius Monastery. After purchase, an email will be sent to you with links to download each track. The download links will be active for three days and will then expire.


Track List:

    1. Monastery Bells. Safford, Arizona

    2. Psalm 103. Valaam Chant

    3. Blessed is the Man. Russian Melody

    4. Lord, I have Cried, with Stichera to Optina Elders.

          Tone 5, Special Melody: "Rejoice, Life-giving Cross" and Tone 8

    5. O Gentle Light. Znamenny Chant

    6. Prayer of St. Symeon. Znamenny Chant

    7. O Theotokos Virgin, Rejoice. Russian Melody

    8. Glory to God in the Highest. Znamenny Chant

    9. Great Litany. Znamenny Chant

    10. Polyeleos. Znamenny Chant

    11. Magnificat. Znammeny Chant

    12. Exapostilarion to the Optina Elders, with Theotokion.

           Special Melody: "The Heaven with Stars"

    13. Great Doxology. Znamenny Chant

    14. Troparion with Theotokion. Tone 1

    15. To Thee, the Champion Leader. Russian Melody

    16. Monastery Bells. Safford, Arizona


Total size: 91.4 MB.

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