Only the prayer ropes from Mt. Athos and Russia are in stock. It will take 8-10 weeks to ship all other knotted prayer ropes.

Arizona Honey

$8.00 - $16.00

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Unprocessed honey straight from the hive has been used for millennia to improve digestion, soothe sore throats, coughs, promote healing of burns, wounds, rashes, prevent tooth decay, and provide energy. The color, flavor and texture of honey depends on the variety of wildflowers and herbs the bees forage and on the season. Light-colored honey is produced during spring and early summer, while dark honey is produced in late summer and fall. To retain all its nutrients, the honey is never heated or strained. That's why raw honey is creamy and smooth, more solid rather than liquid, and rich with live enzymes, vitamins, and trace minerals.

Please note: honey should never be given to infants. Ships only within the continental United States.

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