Only the prayer ropes from Mt. Athos and Russia are in stock. It will take 8-10 weeks to ship all other knotted prayer ropes.

St. Joseph the Hesychast, Guardian of Mount Athos


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At the age of twenty, following his obligatory military service, Frangiskos Kottis began to work as an independent trader. Thanks to his intelligence and hard work, his efforts paid off well within just a few months. He quickly became a prominent merchant with great prospects for a bright future. The goal he had set for himself—namely, to get rich enough to support his family and fellow man—was almost accomplished! However, young Frangiskos’ entire life changed after he experienced a vision in his sleep of a supernatural king calling him into his service. Who was this mysterious king, and into what sort of service was he being called?Learn about the incredible life and struggles of Saint Joseph the Hesychast, and how he became one of the most significant spiritual fathers of the 20th century.

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