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The Refuge

  • The Refuge

Product Description

The Refuge

Anchoring the Soul in God

The Collected Works of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov - Volume II


"Prayer is a refuge of God's great mercy to the human race."

    The refuge is a place of inner stillness and peace where the heart is fully opened to the embrace of God's love. It is a return to the ancient paradise from which the human race, in Adam, had to depart because of disobedience to the command of God. The Refuge is an exposition of the concrete actions we should take if we truly desire to live with and in God. It weaves together meditations on Scripture and amplifies these with the wisdom of early Christian saints, in particular the ascetical writings of St. John of the Ladder, St. Macarius the Great, and St. Isaac the Syrian. It is an active exhortation for us to reacquire the original nobility that God fashioned us with in the beginning.

346 pages, paperback